Thursday, June 7, 2012

Annie Hall at Interval.

When mention was made last Thursday of a video of the Big Lebowski, trimmed to
include only the swear words, I was reminded of this: Annie Hall, sans dialogue,
courtesy of interdisciplinary artist Nathaniel Stern.

Says Nathaniel: "For at interval, I captured the entirety of Woody Allen’s Annie Hall, then removed all spoken dialogue from the film. Time is slowed down, through emphasis on stutters, gasps, and oral fumbles, and paradoxically sped up, through an immense shortening of the film - from one hour and thirty minutes, to just over thirteen. Here, I’m citing the in-betweens, using time and rhythm to accent the impossibilities within language. It was the first video produced in an ongoing series of generative works, where I use simple formulas to edit and compress popular movies, revealing secret biases, hidden meanings and complex relationships just below the surface."

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. It reminded me that Woody Allen is one of the great writers of comic dialogue. If any of you have not seen this film, seek it out.
