Sunday, February 3, 2013

Groucho's stash

Thinking that I knew a little about the Marx brothers (seeing some movies as a kid), I was shocked to see that Groucho's mustache was actually painted on. I guess I associated  him more with the glasses-nose and mustache popular as a gag pseudo-mask. Besides that, I didn't realize that all of the prat skits were so poorly done and the jokes were nothing more than poor insults. I prefer Buster Keaton or early Chaplin for the visual arts.

1 comment:

  1. Well, i found the two brothers annoying - especially harpo. I was really sliding down in my seat (like kayla does when i'm trying to go over math homework with her) sitting through the act where harpo was bothering the guy trying to sell - whatever - at the outdoor cart. Ugh! not funny - so annoying! I was so glad to hear that carla found them annoying too! I mean, isn't everyone "supposed" to love the marks brothers?
