Sunday, March 3, 2013

This Film is Not Yet Rated

I feel sorry for the whiners in this film that complain about minimum standards. All of the directors that want to show what would be considered 'X" rated in the past and piss and moan about being censored. They don't have to take the rating, but then they would lose the millions from the studios in marketing, Boo, Hoo, Hoo! How dare anyone put a label on their art. I believe the board came to be to prevent government censorship (which is the only legal way to limit free speech or expression).

Too Much Violence! Not Enough Graphic Sex! for our children. Seriously, I still believe two wrongs don't make a right. The theme is anti-studio, and maybe there is a point there. But if you don't like it, produce a movie like this one, and they did.

Maybe we would all be better off if there were no standards at all. Killing in movies wouldn't be simulated, let's embrace snuff films. Rape scened would be real rapes, maybe gang rapes would then become popular and embraced by society. Keep in mind while you discard the two previous sentences, they do exist today. People make them, and people buy them, but it is not accepted in the culture, yet.

My wife doesn't like this comment either.

1 comment:

  1. Well, this could make a great debate. While I appreciate censorship, there has to be a point at which people need to get a grip on reality and what is truly important. Excess graphic violence, senseless killing, or other crimes again humans, is simply unjust. At what point will humans pull their $#@! together and be humans, treating human life with the respect that is so deserved. The more our species succumbs to senseless tragedy, the greater our chances become that the human race will be responsible for its own demise regardless of government intervention.
