Monday, March 26, 2018

Midnight in Paris

Directed by Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris is a masterpiece.
Every night, the main character Gil travels back in time and meet his artistic idols.
Gil is writer who is visiting Paris with Inez, his fiancee. Since the very beginning of the movie we can clearly see that Gil and his fiancee aren't right for each other. Gil is writing and struggling about a man who works on a nostalgia shop, Inez tells him that he should stop daydreaming. Gil also wants to move to Paris, Inez wants to stay in L.A.. Later by chance they meet Inez's friends: Paul, whom Gil despises, and Carol.
One night after dinner Gil decides to walk to the hotel while Inez goes with Paul in a taxi. At midnight, a 1920's car pulls up and Gil finds himself in a party with Zelda and Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. Gil leaves the party where he was, a moment later tries to come back but it had changed to a launderette. Was it all in his head?
He unsuccessfully tries to explain what happened to Inez but she accuses him of being drunk. That night he goes back in time again and meet even more idols and meets a lovely girls named Adriana.
 Every night Gil returns to the 20's and meets more literary heroes and gets deeper and deeper into his relationship with Adriana. While Inez spends each night with Paul and Carol.
Gil and Adriana end up traveling in time again, going to the 1890's which is Adriana's favorite era, and she wishes to stay there. 
Tempted to stay, Gil realizes that is here and now that is the best place to be. 

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