Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Blade Runner

Blade Runner (1982) Review

Blade Runner is a Sci-Fi thriller that came out in 1982. It was directed by Ridley Scott and written by Hampton Fancher and David Peoples. The film stars the legendary Harrison Ford. It was adapted from the book, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, by Philip K Dick. The film is set in 2019 where there are flying cars and synthetic humans called replicants. A blade runner is a person who hunts and kills the replicants because of their rebellion against the humans. Harrison Ford’s character, Rick, is hired to kill the remaining four replicants on Earth. The film has elements of film noir including a femme fatale and narration by the protagonist, Rick.

With the sequel, Blade Runner 2049, recently coming out I wanted to see the first movie. The budget for the first one was $28 million and it made $33.8 million. While the second one cost $150 million to make and made $259.2 million. I thought that the concept was interesting but the pay off was lacking. At some moments it was really cheesy with the fight scenes. The dystopian future was interesting to see because it is nothing like what we have now in 2018. I can tell that many shows and movies have been inspired by Blade Runner. For example, Altered Carbon on Netflix is set in the dystopian future of 2384 with similar technology found in Blade Runner. There are synthetic animals because their species has become extinct. It was really cool that the people spoke a mishmash of Japanese, Spanish and German. I noticed a theme of the color orange. Orange was the color of the police car lights, the head of the company’s room was orange, and there was a ring of orange light in the replicants eyes. I think that orange represented power. Overall, it was an interesting movie but, I wouldn’t really recommend it.

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