Thursday, April 19, 2018


          One movie I saw over winter break was 'Downsizing" with Matt Damon.  The movie was about people were were making themselves so small and living in a new community where everything was proportionally small this way they would cut down on the waste in the world.  Every would liquidate all there belongings and move into a world where they would be richer and not waste as much of earth's natural resources as well as cut down on garbage.

          This was by far one of the worst movies I have ever seen.  The story line made absolutely no sense, the acting was horrible, and it was supposed to be a comedy but had no funny parts throughout the entire movie.  The plot jumped around all over the place and never really explained itself at any point.  The movie had parts where it seemed the entire point of the movie changed multiple times for no reason whatsoever. 

          This was the first time I ever went to a movie and wanted my money back because of how bad it was.  Matt Damon's character was hard to follow because of how many different types of a person he seemed throughout the movie.  The beginning of the movie was all about the decision if him and his wife should go through with going downsized.  When they go in to get the procedure done his wife does not go through with it but by time she made that decision it was too late and he already did it.  Once he was downsized he had to start a new life all on his own.  This is where the movie then jumps all over the place. 

          I could never tell if this movie was supposed to be a comedy, a drama, a romance movie, or what but it fell flat.  I couldn't tell if it was the movie itself which was so long or because it was so boring which made it seem like a long movie.  I would not suggest this movie to anyone considering it was confusing, unfunny, and had no point to it whatsoever.

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