Thursday, April 19, 2018

Pulp Fiction Review

Quentin Tarantino is one of the most well renowned directors in cinema history. He's made a bevy of historical films, but for most, Pulp Fiction takes the cake. Tarantino's 1994 masterpiece changed hollywood and the cinematic culture forever. The film reached $100 million box office success when it first hit theaters, but the films value goes far beyond financial success.

The success begins with a tremendous cast that Tarantino constructed, with many of the members of the cast flying under the radar at the time. It begins of course with Samuel L Jackson and John Travolta, who play the perfect hit man tandem that the movie follows through out.

Samuel L Jackson and Uma Thurman, who played the critical role of Mia Wallace, are two extremely famous actors, were created and brought onto the cinematic scene from Pulp Fiction. Another highlighted cast member of the film is Thurman's wife, the boss gangster, played by Marsellus Wallace.

Between the myriad of films Tarantino has made over the years, people have come to expect an aforementioned innovative cast, an incredible soundtrack, and all have a sound and sight that immediately lets you know it's a Tarantino production.

Another component of Pulp Fiction's greatness is the unique techniques used in the dialogue. Tarantino showed an ability to build up suspense and tension amongst the characters without any of them making it obvious by raising their voice. He also created humor without the characters necessarily making jokes.

Every single line in Pulp Fiction truly holds weight as well. There's no filler dialogue that doesn't connect to the main plot in the end. Because of this and the unique tactics of dialogue that Tarantino broke cinematic barriers by using, forces the audiences to stay on their toes and be engaged through out the film's entirety.

Like any all time great movie, the dialogue contained plenty of those memorable lines that fans of the film recite for years after viewing it. The most famous being Jules Winnfield's (Samuel L Jackson) bible passage, Ezekiel 25:17, in the beginning of the film. "The path of a righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequalities of the selfish and tyranny of evil men."

The Artifice sums up Tarantino's brilliance when it comes to how he chose his cast and constructed each of their roles in a fitting manner. "Tarantino's seemingly effortless ability to represent unlikely characteristics as a director and writer," said The Artifice. "His ability to make the viewer smile or even laugh at inappropriate times is one of his defining characteristics as a director and writer. This adds to Pulp Fiction's authenticity."

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