Tuesday, April 24, 2012


The movie Chocolat, is about a young single woman, with a young daughter, who moves to a very small religious and conservative french town and opens a chocolate store. She is seen as a radical individual, she has never been married, even though she has a child, and she opens up a chocolate store in the beginning of lent. This movie exemplifies the social changes that were taking place in the 1960's. Vianne, the protagonist, encourages the people in the town to break out of their very traditional molds. She encourages a woman to leave her abusive husband, and two elderly people to find love with each other. She welcomes a band of gypsies into the city and even begins an affair with one of them. By breaking the molds that have been prescribed by the religious town to the people, she helps the townspeople see a new way of life and the joys that come with it.

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