Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Outsiders

The Outsiders is an excellent counter culture film from 1983 that depicts tension between greasers and their wealthier counterparts, the Socs, and takes place in mid 1960s Tulsa. The film is directed by Francis Ford Coppola, the same director as The Godfather and Apocalypse Now, and this film is done in much the same style as his other films. As the rivalry between greasers and socs heightens, a large brawl between the two begins, further increasing the tension until two young greasers, ponyboy and Johnny Cade get ambushed by the socs, eventually leading to Cade killing a soc with his switchblade. The pair are then forced to skip town and wait for things to cool off. This is quite a counterculture film, as the greasers and the socs are essentially the same people, but from different backgrounds, making the two groups very different in appearance and morals, but with the same amount of hatred for each other. However, because the socs come from a 'better' life, they are often able to use society to their advantage, whereas the greasers are almost automatically outcasted by society purely because of their image.

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