Thursday, May 17, 2012

American Cinema Final Exam

  1. As we look back on the movie industry the statement that “Citizen Kane is one of the most influential films ever made” has been a statement that has been in constant conversation of critics of the movie industry. Ever sense of this movie and the actors that played in it made this film very enjoyable for today’s audiences. The main reason why its viewed by so many critics of the movie industry these days is mostly in part to the experimental and phenomenal innovations of the film. There were elaborate camera movements and the lighting at times being dark and low that added a sense of noir genre, Citizen Kane was one of the first movies to use this genre of film which created the way for the noir genre in the movie industry. The way they used their camera to get different angles being able to show the shot from under or above and being able to make shots fade into the next shot made Citizen Kane at the top of the era of film. The concepts that Citizen Kane put into the film where never seen before and how they shots of the places and actors in the movie caught the emotion of the scene. Citizen Kane also included flashbacks or flash forwards with many of the characters throughout the film flashing back to reflect on situations with their past selves. Each actor in Citizen Kane where responsible for showing information that helped reveal the confusing mystery that is Kane’s life, the story shows segments of his life from childhood to death. So as we look back on the statement about Citizen Kane as one of the most influential movies to the film industry personally I would have to agree. Citizen Kane informed new styles of shooting the camera, good acting and characters that really helped the movie as a whole and how it was it open up noir films to the film industry makes this statement without a doubt to be true.
  2. Usually at 23 you’re still in school or are just getting a job but for Orson Welles at age 23 he was already on his way to making one of the greatest movies ever created. With his great attitude and passion Orson was already getting noticed for his acting and getting more chance to be in role on the stage. Orson Welles went on to directing and producing in many different theaters but his radio broadcast “War of Worlds was the main reason he was given control of Citizen Kane. His book War of Worlds was one of the most important reasons Welles fame started rising. Welles co-wrote, produced, directed, and preformed the lead role for the film with Welles background in theater, film, and radio it made him a up and coming 23 year old giving his chance to produce a film. Citizen Kane was a film based on the life of William Hearst and because it put him in a bad light he decided to shut it down and rereleased after World War II and it was found appropriate to be played. Orson Welles was extremely ready for the task of his own film and this is why he got his chance.
  3. One of the scenes that stood out to me was when Kane and his wife are eating breakfast in their house. This film shows the character progressing over time and the audience sees multiple breakfasts between the two but only changes because they age each scene. It whats in this scene that their relationship begins to disintegrate and Kane becomes a cold and meaner person that he has ever been before the sequences change when appears and the spinning seems to start going faster. The scene shows Kane’s life from the happiest times to the worse times in his marriage. The scene shows the change in the marriage and shows the emotion well making this   scene stand out. 

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