Monday, May 7, 2012

Bonnie & Clyde:

I thought Bonnie & Clyde was a very interesting film -- i have heard the Bonnie & Clyde story numerous times but have never searched to find the movie. I thought Clyde was a strange character, he didn't seem to know what he really wanted from Bonnie or life in general; aside from robbing banks. The scene when he was speaking to Bonnie's mother at the picnic style event i thought was unusual. He talks about his and Bonnie's future, he talked about how he has a real plan to retire, look after Bonnie and have a family, that all seemed out of character compared to his attitude throughout the film. Following my research into the true story i believe Bonnie's character was over played in the sense of her disregard for other peoples lives and her approach to crime. Overall i thought the movie was a solid crime drama, and as far as portraying a true story it didn't take too much artistic license which is always a positive to me. I would certainly recommend this movie to my friends who are interested in that era of film. Especially those who like the depression era gangster crime like John Dillinger and Pretty Boy Floyd etc.

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