Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Thief of Bagdad - 1924

Here are some different angles of the exterior sets built for "The Thief of Bagdad", conceived by William Cameron Menzies.  The work of this great artist continued until the 1950s when he designed and directed "Invaders From Mars" and "The Maze" among others.  His most famous contribution was to "Gone With the Wind" for which the title "Production Designer" was created.


  1. What an amazing set. We look at todays abilities with technology, a set like this could be digitally created virtually overnight in comparison to actual construction. It must have taken a lot of guts to invest in constructing such a massive set to produce a "silent" movie in this era of time.

  2. With no strict regulations or building inspectors, etc. it probably also took a lot of guts for the extras to get up on top of these sets.

  3. As I was watching and becoming more interested in this film, I recognized that a person must devote his attention to every detail so that nothing was missed. The performers were true actors as they had to display more emotions because of the silent film aspect. Just watching the actors jump and climb all over that set was truly extraordinary, as there aren't many films nowadays where actors do their own stunts like that.
