Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Phantom of the Opera

Although I've seen the more recent version of this movie, watching the older silent film version was really different. It was interesting seeing how things have changed as the movie was remade. The music in the background gave it a seriousness for the time period (1920's), however, after watching the movies that we have seen today the music seemed to make it slightly comical. I could imagine how at the time the movie was a dramatic movie. The facial expressions such as eyebrow movements, body language, and even the movement of the lips was over dramatic. However, I imagine that this is due to the nature of the silent film because this was visible in The Gold Rush as well. It helped to add to the drama and the suspense.

Also, I watched Arsenic and Lace and actually really enjoyed it. It was quite comical. The sisters were hilarious in their own suspenseful way, and the long-lost murderous brother reminded me a little of Lurch from the Adams Family. The facial expressions in that movie were also priceless. It makes you wonder how many crazy women are living in your neighborhood and stashing bodies in their trunk-like- window seat couch... great movie for halloween time.

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